About us
Siberian science is a young company developing custom hardware and software products.
We are located in Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk - the leading scientific center of Russia.
Our wide network of contacts with scientists and engineers helps to realize our solutions in the field.
major industrial partners in the field of oil production and refining
own import substitution projects in the agricultural field and instrument making
Oil and gas industry
Software development for thermometry and vibroacoustics devices
Development of a unified system of accounting for the condition of cattle
Manufacturing industry
optimization of the production process by automating routine tasks
Development of high-load websites and web services
Creating smart devices
Creation of systems with any types of sensors. Detection of seismic waves, work with military acoustic sensors or assessment of soil moisture - everything is in the competence of our team!
Full development cycle
Fast, reliable and within budget
Using your company's technological processes, looking for ways to improve these processes and automation options
Виталий Койнов
Lead Developer
Full Stack Dev, C++, Python Robotics

Дмитрий Козин
Systems Architect, Full Stack Dev 15 Years in Hardware + Firmware, Patent Holder

Влада Козина
Team Leader, B2B Guru PhD Candidate, Yershov Institute of Informatic Systems

Глеб Сидоркин
Head of Content
Filmmaker, Translator Studied film and literature @ NYU and Harvard

Need to create a smart device?
+7 923 143-71-19
Russia, Novosibirsk, 11 Nikolaeva street